Meditation & Pranayama

Recorded for Sarah Tannehill Anderson’s Raise Your Virtual Voice program, a truly WONDERFUL resource for singers, the collection of pranayama/meditation practices below were created for a January 2021 “reset.” Give them a try and see how just a few minutes of mindfulness and connection with your breath really can help you “reset” your body-mind-spirit. Namaste

A great practice to do any time you need to find balance or to clear your mind, this alternate nostril breathing pranayama is something to revisit regularly, if not daily. Practice before meditating, journaling, or any time you need to focus. Notice how just 5 minutes can affect your whole body-mind-spirit.
Fire up with a little kapalabhati breath! Give this diaphramagtic “strength training” a try to warm and enliven your heart and lungs and bring clarity to your mind.
Learn how to warm up or cool down with Ujjayi, aka Victorious, breath. Practice inhaling through your nostrils and exhaling over the back of your throat, like you’re fogging a mirror. Allow your breath to become wavelike. Great prep for meditation or to steady and strengthen your yoga flow.
When you need to release tension through your jaw and neck and bring a smile to your face by “letting it all out,” try a GREAT BIG yawning Lion’s Breath.